Hello all, Good morning! I want to say thank you for everyones support!
Ms. Diva is doing awesome! We spent a bout 2 hours running through the
house last night! Of course me chasing Diva to make sure she did not
go under anything or grab something she wasent suppose to! Mabey I am
a little extreme now, but after what happend to Ms. Diva, I have made
sure that Absouloutly Nothing can harm her! I would like to remind
everyone that you never know what your furry baby can pick up! Watch
them closley while they are playing! Make sure your carpets are vacumed
under everything, if your baby is anything like ours Diva goes under

To those of you who discouraged me while We were going through such a
tough time, I forgive you! I just hope next time you watch what you are
saying! Say what you are going to say with caution! Like I have seen
so many of our great angels (All of our friends that have walked us
through, stood beside us, donated and prayed for us, my daughter has
nicknamed yall our angels) say we are all part of FML because we love
our ferrets and want to make sure we are here to support each other not
discourage people! Diva pulled through this! When you thought that she
was done because of financial reasons, We kept our heads high, kept
praying, and made it through! So please be cautious what you say to
people! Also when you think something might be a scam proceed with
caution but please do not just assume it is a scam send a e mail back,
check into the story! I was told a lady took alot of our Angels for a
spin and than surrendered her ferret and kept the money for herself! I
am so sorry that yall have had to go through that! But Please do not
give up hope! Not everyone in the world is that way. Do not send money
to an individual send it to the vet if this is the case! But stand
beside each other and never forget exactly why we are on FML!

For those of you that would like to stay updated on Diva we had made
her a little blog to keep everyone updated on her! Please go by and
add her blog if you would like to stay updated!
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Again Thank you for everyone for all your support! Because of you Diva
is alive, she is more alert than she has ever been and is doing very
well! We go back next Friday for a check up! Thank you so much!!!

Heather Honeycutt

[Posted in FML 7552]