Hello everyone!

Oscar went to the vet on Saturday to investigate his innards for what's
causing his hack/cough/wheeze. He was very popular at the vet because
of his striking good looks...and he wiggled so hard! They ended up
having to sedate him slightly for the xray...so I ended up with a very
drunk ferret.

There were no blockages, hairballs or water in his lungs. The vet said
there was a "thickening of his bronchial lining"

We were sent home with 10 days of the antibiotic clavamox to give
2x/day at .3ml. Hopefully this will clear any type of infection. We did
discuss what could be causing it if the antibiotic doesn't work such as
fert asthma and worst case scenario..heartworms.

We'll see!

Thank you for all your well wishes
Lelu, Stoli, Oscar and Tessa

[Posted in FML 7551]