Question: when a ferret is on Lupron, can it be stopped temporarily?
Won't the adrenal disease progress? (A vet once told me they treat for
three months then stop.) My Lulu is doing very well on a small dose and
her fur is beautiful. She's been on it just under a year. I am actually
wondering if she really is adrenal at this point. Yes she's thin and
visually impaired but does well for the most part. But she is also 8
years old as of last month. I don't want to jeopoardize her health
further, but I am curious if I can hold it one month and observe.

Please answer the question only - I know about other forms of treatment
and this is working and has worked in the past for my other ferrets and
is within my financial ability. Thank you.


[Posted in FML 7511]