I just got home with Loki.

He is doing *wonderfully*. The vet used the word 'amazing' to describe
his condition. He tolerated this invasive surgery (removal of his
spleen and three masses in his abdomen) much better than he tolerated
removing a lymph node from his throat for biopsy a few weeks back.
His strength, energy and alertness all seem almost at normal healthy
levels. His weight is down of course, just by virtue of the weight of
things that were taken out of him, but his appetite is excellent. The
first thing he did upon getting home was dig into his food dish. The
vet even says he would swear the remaining lymph node in his throat
seems smaller than it was before.

Loki will get his stitches out August 12th. We won't start
chemo/prednisolone till then at the earliest.

Of course Loki still has lymphoma. But for now I'm very pleased to see
my boy doing so well.

John, Caregiver to Loki, Kody and Abby
With loving memories of Buddy, Cassie, Sammy,
Buster, Pandora, Tommy and Jasper

[Posted in FML 7534]