Hey everyone.

I posted on the 20th about my ferret Loki (who will be 4 on Halloween)
who was recently diagnosed with immunoblastic polymorphous lymphoma. My
vet has consulted with oncologists at a few vet colleges across Canada
and the US but there was a lot of info and it was hard to decide what
was the best course. I was originally leaning towards the TUFTS
protocol, but when I learned it required weekly injections and/or blood
tests at the very least for a minimum of six months, maybe longer, I
decided that was too much to put Loki through. There was one other
suggestion short of just giving him pred for palliative care, and that
was to try a single chemo drug called Lomustine, given once a month. It
may not give as good a prognosis as a more involved chemo protocol but
it should be a lot easier on Loki.

We will probably start first with surgery to remove three masses from
his abdomen, and possibly his spleen which is enlarged. Loki is
currently in good condition, his energy and attitude have been steadily
improving for the past week and he has gained weight. To look at him
you'd hardly know there's anything wrong with him, except he has no
bladder control, perhaps because of the masses or his enlarged spleen
pressing on his bladder.

I did wonder about one thing. We're supposed to be giving pred along
with the chemo drug. But chemo drugs work best with rapidly growing
cancer, and pred tends to cause rapid if temporary remission of
lymphoma from what I've read. So wouldn't the chemo be more effective
without the pred? Or is the pred needed to mitigate the side effects of
the chemo?

Anyway, I have the weekend to decide, but I think this is probably the
course we're going to take. Wish us luck, and if you do have any advice
please let me know.

John, Caregiver to Loki, Kody and Abby
With loving memories of Buddy, Cassie, Sammy,
Buster, Pandora, Tommy and Jasper

[Posted in FML 7529]