Dear FML-

In the Days of Old, the FML was a friendlier place.

Remembering the Days of Old, Renee Downs deliberately yanked the tails
of some of its traditional comedians. That would be me, that would be
Wolfy. (Rebecca Stout.) She was doing this as a sort of invitation,
"Please come out and play!" She had a specific goal in mind for doing
so. A goal that would ultimately benefit ferrets. And she wanted to
garner lots of attention. Well, Wolfy and I can do that. So "Yank Yank
Yank." Heck, *I* didn't know what Renee was up to. I just went along
with it, figuring her purpose would become clear in the fullness of
time. [And heck here too -- I didn't even know there WAS a purpose.
It would help to tell the moderator when something is planned! BIG]

When people were initially baffled, I tried to explain what Renee had
set in motion. It only made sense if you knew that ah, some of us had
a bad habit of becoming Manic in August. It's that Bipolar thing.

And this was the response:

"Why don't you take your MD ramblings elsewhere? This is a ferret
information list and do we all need to be subjected toyour odd

I'll write the owner about this. It's rather self serving and nobody
understands it."

Nobody needed to understand it, really. But it didn't harm anyone, and
it wouldn't have done anyone a lick of harm to have been civil about
it. Tomorrow, the field of Psychopharmacology might discover the
miracle drug that will cure me and nobody will ever be subject to my
MD ramblings again. they are not working on an ugly pill.
Good luck with that.


Alexandra in MA

[Posted in FML 7527]