I resent Ms. Down's implication that *anyone* would style me a "basket
case" these days. Ferret. Certainly not my good friend and fellow
un-employed independent contractor, Rebecca. Ferret. It is *clear*
to even the grossly under-informed that I most resemble a 55 gallon
Contractor Wheelie Bin. Ferret. Yes, even those that dote on their
mildly interesting Bearded Dragons (snore) know that I merit more
than a gallon or two's worth of basket. Ferret. Think rugged,
injection-molded heavy-duty 55 gallon Contractor Wheelie Bin WITH
functional little wheels. Ferret. The nerve of some people. As for
the purported "brilliance" of Ms. Downs, well, yes...In all kindness
I suppose one could say that it comes and goes. Ferret.

Alexandra. Ferret. 
In MA. Ferret.

[Posted in FML 7522]