[Forwarded to the AFA for their response, which appears below. BIG]

To all my fellow ferret friends,

Some of you know me well and some just online. I have been a very
active member in the ferret world since the early 90's. Those of you
who know me know I love my ferrets as my family, both my privately
bred ones and my shelter guys. They are fed the best foods, have 2
story condos, have six veterinarians in the Pacific NW for their care
depending on the severity and illness, are kept in climate controlled
ventilated conditions and have an entire 300 sq ft room for a play
area along with the rest of the house when I am home to supervise.

I have been a member of the AFA for over ten years and before that
involved with the LIFE and GLFA shows, judging in the early days in the
AFA and showing until last year. I have nothing against the AFA and
think it is a very worthwhile organization. I do have problems with
the way it has been managed recently. This week I was notified by the
AFA that I was kicked out of the club and am now a banned breeder. No
reason was given as to why I am now a banned breeder and I would love,
to say the least, know what they claim to have as a reason. My crime,
according to the letter, was to take something from them when in
reality I was trying to get it back for them as an AFA member. Instead
of asking me why, they choose to do the above. Attempting to ruin my
reputation as a breeder is one thing, but along with this the
significant other of an AFA high officer (I do have a copy of the
email) also turned me into animal control with lies about my ferrets,
the condition of my premises, indicated I was ill and could not care
for them and even went so far as to suggest I was a hoarder. This
significant other, who I had only met for a minute at a show last year,
has never been inside my house, but the AFA officer has. My place was
inspected and I passed with flying colors. In my opinion, this was a
vengeance done to me. Along with this some of my friends were also
contacted out of the blue by AFA officers asking how many ferrets they
had. Yes I have proof in writing and copies as to what I am saying and
who it was. I ask all of you, how many of you have more than a few
ferrets and what would have happened to my guys, especially the older
sick ones that need daily medicines had they been confiscated? Being
angry with me is one thing, to put my ferrets in harm's way is quite
another. Is this how you Promote, Protect and Provide? I am truly
appalled. So, in my opinion, possibly the AFA and it's officers might
want to revisit any thoughts they may have in the future of doing harm
to myself, my friends and more importantly my ferrets. I will not
answer any questions on the FML in regards to this from here on as it
now will be handled in a private venue. Thank you Bill for allowing
me to post this.

Nancy Park

"There is no objective truth, only the truth that's established by
power' Michael Crichton

[Posted in FML 7497]