No, the ferret we had who did it was not albino, not DEW, not marked
white and not a roan-to-white. She was an unusual one and only began
drinking through cloth when she became very ill. Ruffle had
achondroplastic dwarfism, multiple deformations, asthma, arthritis,
severe intellectual handicaps, and in her final year she developed 8
serious medical problems of which 5 were terminal conditions (liver
cysts, heart tumor, cardiomyopathy, insulinoma in an inoperable part
of the pancreas, and I forget the fifth one off hand). About the only
common ferret health problem that was not among her health problems was
adrenal disease; she never got adrenal disease. Her pathology decision
by Dr. Bruce Williams was that she died of having so many serious
illnesses at once. That sort of multiple disease burden happens, also,
with some humans who have severe intellectual handicaps, BTW.

Getting Suprelorin:


and others including the post from the person who first learned of the
MUMS change and a post somewhere in the FHL from Tressie w Dr. Rosie
Warren's new email but you can also find that at the new Virbac/Peptech
Animal Health website.

I lack spare time and knew that these 3 mention critical things to take
into account.

Sometime in the Third Quarter of THIS year Virbac U.S.A. will be
distributing the Suprelorin Implants directly, so quite soon.

Sukie (not a vet) Ferrets make the world a game.

Recommended ferret health links:
all ferret topics:

"All hail the procrastinators for they shall rule the world tomorrow."
(2010, Steve Crandall)
On change for its own sake: "You can go really fast if you just jump
off the cliff." (2010, Steve Crandall)

[Posted in FML 7492]