Hello Ferrant moving to Ca.,

I have been 'kind of' watching this topic since the first post. I was
avoiding posting or responding because I do not condone, and I try to
discourage, people taking ferrets into California. I know People do it,
I have done it a few times myself. I HIGHLY suggest people do NOT do it
if at all possible. That being said I know people do it and sometimes
there seems no other way so for the ferret/s it needs to be done
safely. As I said I have 'kind of' been watching this topic so although
I have seen the drama and some of the tips I have not seen all the
post. I'm going to add my .02. Forgive me if it has been said before.

There are ways around most of the check points. I'm not sure where your
coming from. But here is a site with a list of the detours.
That site also has a list of vets as does ferret USA. Ferret stuff and
food can be bought in pet stores in Ca. For two reasons. 1. ferrets
stuff is used for other animals. 2. Ferret stuff is not illegal in Ca.
just the ferrets. You can also order ferret toys and bedding off craigs
list and what not and ask when it's shipped to not have anything about
ferrets on the packaging. I order from Ferret.com all the time and
though if you look close it does say ferret.com you have to look for
it and as I said ferrets are illegal NOT ferret stuff. So getting the
stuff you need to care for them is not that different than any where
else. Also unless you flaunt that you have ferrets or give other reason
for you home in Ca. To be searched they are not going to stake out your
home to see if you have ferrets.

The tips Deva, (hi Deva), and [YY] just posted are all great tips and
should be taken seriously. Do not get too nervous though as it will
make you look suspicious.

I KNOW that often it is months between ferrets being confiscated
because ferrets really are not on most peoples minds, by people I mean
police, or a top priority they are mostly looking for drugs, food,
plants, and drunk/high people. If they have no reason to search you and
the animal isn't obvious they won't.

When I have HAD to take my ferrets into Ca. I try to pack most of their
stuff away and keep the ferret stuff out to a minimum, keeping out only
what I have to. As someone said air the car out as much as possible
even if you don't think you can smell them someone who isn't around
ferrets all the time might smell them. Do use air fresheners but not
too much as that can cause suspicion, It might be better to get off at
the last place before the check point and order some fast food, as much
as I HATE cigarettes, if you smoke light up just before the border. I
also pull off on the nearest exit and put my ferrets the the smallest
'purse' my ferrets fit in so that IF they want to search my car I can
grab my 'purse' if they tell me not to take it it isn t likely they
will open it if it isn't too big, (course if it's moving they might,

I disagree about the plates. My daughter lived in Ca. She was
questioned and searched going back into Ca. more that I was. With
Ca plates they wonder what you got out of state that you can't get
instate and are now bringing home. With out of state plates they are
more likely to assume your not staying. If possible contact a ferret
shelter/ rescue or organization near the border your crossing so that
IF for some reason you are searched and the ferrets found you can take
your ferrets to the shelter or what not and come back for them later
with a different vehicle and try again. IF you do get searched and
your ferrets are taken don't panic most, but not all, AG stations have
volunteers they call and they have 48 hours to go get them before they
have them destroyed. You might want to try to find out if where your
crossing has that. I'm not sure how you can do that.

Hope that helped. Good luck.

If anyone else has an issue with what I said, bite me.


[Posted in FML 7492]