I have really enjoyed reading the stories on the bad reputations! I
wanted to share about our kids!

We have three fuzzies and they are all so different. One boy in
particular (Scooter) we adopted from a shelter and he was a big time
bite. He didn't really care for people at all when we got him, and only
liked the company of the other two ferrets. Well after a week or two
we realized he was deaf, this realization dramatically helped us in
working with him, and understanding him. After 3 years he is now a
total lover boy. He loves us so much, gives kisses, cuddles and follows
us around. Sometimes however he still does the lick, lick, Chomp and
can really get you hard. There is absolutely no aggression behind those
chomps though, and in the next second he can be showering me with
kisses or beginning a war dance. A lot of people will say "oh that's
the mean one" or something to that effect... I have to come to my
baby's defense and tell them, he is not mean! He just expresses
himself in a different way!! LOL

We have a little girl (Annabelle) that was a really bad biter as a kit,
now she is mostly a love bug, however as so many tiny girls she is very
bossy and always wants her way... if she does not get her way (whether
you knew she wanted something or not!) she will nip your chin or
nose... So again people think she is mean... LOL my husband and I of
course understand her and adore her for her little silly behaviors!

We do have one boy (Oly) who is a great guy to introduce to people! He
has never bitten, even as a kit. He is a gentle and sweet soul who is a
great ferret representative... He is the one that everyone gets to hold
when they meet the kids! LOL

Well those are my little ones and their reputations! Even thought they
are INCREDIBLE little ones, some will never know!

Lori Olson in Eagle River AK

[Posted in FML 7491]