Here are some more tips - probably all common sense - for traveling
INTO California with ferrets.

Remember that if you are driving a moving truck, or a car without
California plates, you must have the ferrets very well hidden if you
are trying to avoid a checkpoint by going around it. Cops are wise to
this. You will probably stick out. If you *are* going to try this, have
a good explanation of why you are off the highway - where you are going
(a local restaurant, perhaps, or a resort or some other destination).
And maybe instead of just going straight shot, do pull in to a local
establishment to buy something if you think you are being tailed or
it's late at night and you're the only one on the main drag. As a
person who had been pulled over in California with animals in the car,
it is not fun. Have them well hidden, and play music so when you are
pulled over it is on, but not so loud that the officer will ask you
to turn it off. Of course, sometimes they ask to have you turn it off
anyway. The same with the checkpoints - leave a noisy cd on but not
too loud - in case the ferrets are scratching. Also, just for the
checkpoint, if you can put them temporarily in a cloth bag with zippers
(marshalls makes such a carrier) and put that inside a backpack or
duffel bag, it will prevent the scratching or pulling of carrier grates
in the few minutes you are at the checkpoint answering questions
through your window. Of course, if you are in a rental truck, you may
very well be asked to empty it and the cargo so they can check for
patio furniture, fruit, and animals. If you are just using a rental
car, I highly suggest you rent one with California plates. If this
means stopping and renting another car at a local fleet right outside
California who does two way rentals, so be it - but you will be less
conspicuous....and also, Febreze....get a car Febreze unit. People who
do not own ferrets can often pick up on the smell even if you can't,
especially in an enclosed space such as a car...and especially if the
ferrets just took a number 1 and 2 right before the checkpoint. I was
once pulled over with just ferret cage parts in my car in another
state, and the cop asked me what that "strange smell" was. As you
approach the checkpoint, even if it's a bit cold out, try to air out
the car by rolling your windows down a bit for a mile or two.

Bonus trick for when you do move into California: the laundry basket
trick - if you have a small carrier, line a large laundry basket with
dirty (or clean, unfolded) laundry. Sheets and towels work well. Put
the carrier in and put more laundry around the basket, leaving spaces
where the ferrets can still get air of course, but no one can see in
even if you have to remove the basket or move it a bit. For shorter
trips this works well, and you can bring the ferret into someone elses
house (or in and out of your own house) with it looking like laundry. I
have had many a person laugh when they were like "wth" and I produced a
ferret out of the basket...


[Posted in FML 7491]