On the subject of T.P., even something as "harmless" can be life
threatening. One time I'd let out a group of ferrets to romp & play. I
thought my home was ferret-proofed to the max. Nope. Two minutes after
the ferrets were out, I walked down the hallway, only to hear an odd
thumping noise. I backed up, went into the bathroom, flicked on the
light & found a beloved ferret who'd found an entire roll of T.P.
inside a bottom drawer. The thumping was where he'd stuck only his head
nside the paper tube, he panicked, couldn't get his head out, & was
pounding the T.P. roll on the floor. Blood was pouring out the other
end of the paper tube. Adrenaline kicked in, & I ripped apart the thick
roll. All turned out fine, but scared the poop outta the ferret & me.
Ever since, I store T.P., paper towels, etc. up high on a cabinet
shelf. I even pull apart finished rolls before they go inside the
trashcan. Ferrets can & will get into the worse trouble. Geez, they're
worse than children. No poop. Beware of evil T.P.

Marlene Blackburn

[Posted in FML 7489]