I know every ferret is different BUT. We have 12 and all 11 love
Ferretone/Ad/nummies/Ferrevite/Ferretlax etc etc Then there is 4 month
old Dot.. She dosent like "any"of that stuff. I have scruffed her and
then wiped it on her tongue,when she closes her mouth she dosent even
lick her lips. She just looks around like why did you just stick your
finger in my mouth?

Its too weird..i so want her to experience ferretone so she can lick
her tummy like all the others but she dosent even sniff the bottle.
Also she appears to be deaf (sure it has nothing to do with it) and
boy is she vocal when playing with a toy with daddy, Keek Keek Keeeek..

Any thoughts?


[Posted in FML 7482]