Apart from him accidentally ingesting something or having a big
hair-ball/cancer or something else causing his discomfort..The best
course for potential ulcers seems to be Pepcid wait 30 minutes..
carafate or Pepto bismal wait 10 minutes then gruel. Amoxi and Biaxin
worked best for my kids that had ulcers. And it is a process. It's
painstaking but it works.Again, barring there is nothing in the stomach
that causes it. The biggest issue with ulcers is that if it's left
alone it will perforate. Not to be gross but you'll know it. Their
belly swells up and the nastiest poop you've ever seen come out.
Please don't let it get to that point. Help him cross if the meds
aren't working. It is very painful.


[Posted in FML 7444]