I add my voice to that of Bill Gruber's in urging support for The
Ferret Squad movie.

I'm quite surprised the ferret community hasn't been more supportive of
this effort. Education is a key to gaining understanding and support,
and education through entertainment is highly effective. We have always
wanted and needed good press. What better press than a movie about
rescuing ferrets?

Legalizing ferrets in California may not be the most important issue
facing us, but WE are the ones who should care most about it. You
can help with a donation of any amount, even just a few dollars.

I call on the International Ferret Congress and the American Ferret
Association to support this effort, too. Seems to me they should be
Associate or Executive Producers at least! How cool would it be to
see their names (or your own!!) in the credits!

IFC and AFA, how about it?


Linda Iroff
Co-founder and former co-director
International Ferret Congress

[Posted in FML 7449]