Because we are able to follow our cases clear through to the end, I
want to share our experience with you.

I used to think that anyone NOT getting surgery for their adrenal
ferret was negligent. That was harsh, & I was wrong. Lupron is not
invasive, there are not the risks associated with surgery, there`s no
pain from a huge incision, and no post op recovery time. We have put
so many adrenal babies through surgery, and our medical management
ferrets have actually lived longer than our surgery kids.

I will never forget the night my grand-ferret Honey died, following
adrenal surgery. Six hours after coming home, our beautiful little
three year old DEW crashed, & died of Addisonian crisis. Yes, it can
happen even if only one gland is removed :(

Many vets out there are giving the impression that adrenal surgery
cures the disease. This has not been our experience. It usually
returned in the other gland--often within a year. Even one of our
bilaterals showed symptoms again, a year after we put her through
surgery. This had nothing to do with the skill of the veterinarian,
as we have had several, over the years. (Even some famous ones, near
the big city!)

Our current vet does adrenal surgeries. She`s a wonderful surgeon.
She also does lupron depots, and deslorelin implants. She offers a
choice. People need to do what they feel is best for their pet.

We use the 4 month depot here on most of our adrenals, and have since
2000, but we also stock the 1 monthers for our terminals who are not
expected to make it very long. It helps keep them comfortable. The 4
month depot usually lasts 5-6 months before symptoms re-appear. Most
vets do not stock the 4 month depot. Our vet writes a prescription, and
we order it from Canada. We then divide each syringe into 15 individual
doses. This would not be cost-effective for someone with only one or
two needing the drug, but I believe there is an outfit that sells
individual doses of the 4 mo. depot.

If a ferret has other problems (like lymphoma) the lupron will still
relieve the adrenal symptoms (i.e. help relieve the itchiness, help
avoid urinary blockage in males, reduce swollen vulva in females,
help with aggressiveness) ---but it will not stop tumors elsewhere...
Sometimes the fur may only partially re-grow---or maybe not at all---
but they are definitely more comfortable. If the problem is entirely
adrenal, most appear to go into complete remission. When people come
visit, we introduce them to our 30 adrenal babies. No one would ever
be able to pick 25 of them out of a group at play. Only four of them
do still appear adrenal---and all of them are FEELING good! To us,
their comfort & happiness is what it`s all about.

Just wanted to share.

Love, Zoo

[Posted in FML 7448]