My husband and I lost our precious, tiny albino ferret girl, Snowball,
who passed away about 5:30 this morning. She lived a long and happy
life and fought to the very end. Her sisters, Nonnie and Mony,
comforted her and slept with Snowball during her last hours.

We nicknamed Snowball "Blizzard" because she was like a little
snowstorm when she played and weasel war danced :D. She loved to
climb over a barricade we use to keep the ferrets out of the bedroom.
Snowball would jump repeatedly until she managed to get one paw on
the top of the barricade. She then pulled her herself up and over
the wall :D. Never under estimate the will of a little ferret.

RIP Snowball. Thanks for stopping by :)

[Posted in FML 7447]