
I'm putting together a product chart for the next Ferrets USA magazine
that features ferret-themed gift items that people can buy for
themselves or friends who are ferret fans. If you are the manufacturer
or sole distributor of a ferret-themed item, I hope you'll consider
sending me a high-resolution photo and information about it (fill in
the form below).

The deadline to have the photo and info to me is August 1st. Please
send it to [log in to unmask]
and mark the subject line "Ferret Gift Item"

Inclusion in the product chart is free to you. We provide it as a
service to our readers so they'll know what exciting ferret-themed
gift items for people are out there.



PRODUCT DESCRIPTION (approx. 30 words -- include anything applicable
to a description, such as dimensions, colors, materials/finish.  All
information will be edited for clarity, content and space. FERRETS USA
is not responsible for claims made by manufacturers, and claims may be
deleted from text description):

COMPANY INFO (List contact information the way you would like it to
appear in the magazine):

Name of company:

Phone (800/International)


Thank you!
Marylou, <http://www.FerretsMagazine.com>

[Posted in FML 7470]