Wow, when I read Laura Holland's email, I was floored. Where did her
information come from? She is not a personal associate of Alison
Parker, nor a personal associate of anyone that was connected with Jake
and Jasper. So where does she get the idea that Alison Parker made a
lot of money on it? There has never been anything written ANYWHERE
that indicates Ms. Parker made a profit on Jake and Jasper.

Is it because one assumes every movie, regardless of who directs it
or where it's made, rakes in a lot of money? Indie films rarely make
money. They are lucky to break even. That, my friends, is *FACT*. Jake
and Jasper had a number of small animals in it, and even though they
were on film briefly, it costs THOUSANDS of dollars to have them on set
for just one day. You have to pay for the animal, the animal's handler.
Another *FACT*.

Locations are not procured for free. There are permits that have to be
obtained. And the actors in the movie are UNION actors. They make their
money by acting. Yes, even in indie films. HELLO... they don't get paid
by the union actors' fairy. The DVDs had to be purchased, it's not like
anyone ordered them directly from a manufacturer. Shelters and rescues
that sold copies of the DVD kept all the proceeds for themselves.
That's how she wanted it, because she *is*, in fact, trying to help
rescues and shelters.

The money raised to film Jake and Jasper paid the expenses of making
that movie. That was all. How much is it assumed she raised? I can
safely wager that anyone claiming she made a profit had nothing at all
to do with the project to begin with. Now she is raising money for The
Ferret Squad. It is NOT a short film, it is full-length. There is a
bigger cast, longer filming, significantly higher production costs.
Aside from that, she is STILL donating the money she promised to donate
to If anyone wants all the money to go towards
charity, well, there is absolutely nothing stopping anyone else from
creating a fundraising campaign to do just that. To ostracize her, when
she is simply doing exactly what she said she would do from the start -
make a movie - is incorrigible. She is not guilty of thievery, or
dishonesty. By attacking her and this project, you only serve to make
yourselves look petty and bitter.

I mean, I really do hate to sound harsh here, but those allegations are
rude and out of line. If you choose not to support the movie, so be it.
* Your* decision. But Alison Parker does not have to provide you with
financial statements to prove that she's broke. You are not any more
entitled to see her financial statements than you are to see President
Obama's birth certificate. (And before anyone replies that they want
proof of these things before they donate their hard-earned money,
don't. Fundraising officially ended yesterday. Congrats on officially
being a non-supporter.)

I am a published author. Is it assumed I am making Stephen King's
income, since we are both in books? Because that assumption is no more
ridiculous than assuming Ms. Parker made a profit on Jake and Jasper.

I applaud Alison and what she's doing. The number of ferret owners
that support her far outweigh the few that are protesting. And the
only thing that is accomplished when you complain and throw out BOGUS
accusations is that you generate more attention and interest in the

I would just like to add that many of you in the FML have been
tremendously supportive of this movie. As far as I'm considered,
you are all rock stars. Me and my ferrets salute you.

As always-

Jezzy Wolfe

[Posted in FML 7454]