Hi! You guys really came through this time. I received lots and lots of
photos. Thank you so much for generously giving precious, valuable time
and contributing to this project of Kris Mewtons. I think these rescues
deserve a memorial of sorts and so does everyone involved with these
guys. A happy one!

I wanted to let you know, that the Mewton's will be working on this
over a long period of time. Sorting through photos, names, owners,
music, etc ... is a lot of work. Creating and editing a video of sorts
with this much information is extremely tedious. So I'm here to let you
know that you wont hear anything for a while. Don't think that anyone
has forgotten you or this project. Its just if its to be done right, it
will take a long time. :)

Thank you!

[Posted in FML 7415]