After a week of pure heartbreak, Spot left our realm last night a
little before midnight. I've not slept much this last week, checking
on Spot repeatedly throughout the evening and nights. It's been an
intensive, draining and painful week, emotionally and physically, but
it was worth every second to give Spot his time.

After work I tried to feed him and for the first time he wouldn't lap
his recipe. He had been eating 1/2 jar of baby food recipe 3 times a
day for 2 days, before that he was eating full jars at a time. His
ability to move had dwindled to his head and neck, and wiggling to
get out of messes when he had to go to the bathroom. I had set him
up in the bottom of a medium kennel (top removed) with a soft thick
orthopedic pad covered with soft fleece and a towel under him to wick
away moisture. Over him was the softest baby blanket Walmart sells.
It was his favorite even though it was pink. Throughout the week I
considered taking him back to Larry for his last visit but his mind
was still aware and he didn't show signs of distress. Spot never was
a cuddle ferret so after feedings and cleanings he wanted to go back
to his bed. He patiently allowed me to rinse him with warm water each
morning and evening and apply cream to try and protect his skin - the
rest of the time I was there to clean him quickly. He was leaking
fluids and a burn formed on whatever side he laid on so I folded soft
toilet paper and fashioned a type of diaper, laying it between his
legs and under his laying side. This worked to absorb the moisture and
prevent the burns. The others left him alone for the most part, though
Scoot and Jem did try to rummage under his bedding a few times, they
didn't mess directly with him. I was quick to deter them and if they
were too persistent they went in the cage to cool their jets. During
the day I put a cage over his bed so he wasn't bothered by the other
ferrets. There was room to place water and food and an area for him to
move out of his bed if he wanted. I had placed him in the bathroom with
a plexiglass barrier in the doorway before when I was at work, but he
seemed more comfortable in the living room, less isolated I'm guessing.
Serena laid near his bed, her way of providing comfort. Serena
understands when a little one is on deaths door and it affects her
deeply too. She is sad, and spends more time near them. Athena, on the
other hand, is oblivious.

Spot had an extra week to come to terms with leaving, and he did it in
the comfort of his home surrounded by his family. Rest well my little
one. I love you.

Please, in memory of Spot, spend extra time with your little ones, give
them extra cuddles (no matter how much they object), and cherish each
day you have with them.


[Posted in FML 7413]