just found this out today.  here is the bulletin I found online:

here is OVC's twitter feed:

here is their facebook page:

and here is what I posted to their facebook page:

I just found out that Dr Eshar is leaving the Avian Exotic Clinic and
that the College has decided not to find a replacement! The Avian
Exotic department have always had a full case load, and as a ferret
owner who have been going to the OVC for over the past 10 years, as
well as an annual donor, I am extremely upset over the sudden decision
and the lack of communication to your clients and donors!

Please call/write the
        Office of the Dean
        Ontario Veterinary College
        University of Guelph, N1G 2W1
        519.824.4120 x54401
and ask Dr Elizabeth Arnold Stone to rethink this decision. There have
been no consultation with your clients that rely on these services.
Removing such an essential part of the clinic is no way to celebrate
your 150th anniversary! "

I have replied to thier twitter using tag #OntVetCollege (I just got
the account and don't really know how to twitter), and I will be
visiting the hospital tomorrow and will try to visit the Dean's office,
and I will definitely be calling. if you have used their services in
the past, or know someone who relies on their avian exotics department,
please call, write, twitter and post on facebook to urge them to

thank you.

[Posted in FML 7440]