"I wouldn't give 2 cents for the whole state.....sumting wong
there....and it's not about money."

I agree. I normally wouldn't give two cents either, but think of the
possibilities! All those appointed people who stand in the way of those
poor fuzzies. Denying them the same rights of citizenship that cats and
dogs enjoy. If we bought the state, we could fire them and appoint new
ferret friendly members. (This is the part that might get scary) The
governor would have to go as well. I was thinking Wolfy at first
but...well... that might be to much of a shock to the state. Besides
she's going to be busy with that lawsuit of hers. There's Alex...but
could she handle the stress. Big...hmmmm...maybe too shy? He has
awfully quiet. After much consideration I nominate Gordon and Jeep to
the governor's mansion. Think of the irony of having a vice-governor
who is a ferret! The possibilities are endless...

The annexing of Canada reminded me of two sweet ladies from Canada that
I met one year in Honolulu. My friend, Cathy and I ran into them at
breakfast in the hotel. They told us they were from Ontario Canada
and we told them we were from Anchorage Alaska. "Oh, you're from the
Northwest Territories, how nice." "No," we said, "We're from Alaska."
The poor ladies looked rather confused. "But isn't that part of the
Northwest Territories?" "No," we replied, "We're part of the United
States, the 49th state." "Oh....when did that happen?" We were trying
really, really hard not to laugh to much. I still chuckle over that
meeting. It was too cute. Or course if this were to have happened
today I might have to hint that Canada may soon meet a smiler fate
and become the 51st state.

And now like Selina I think I'll crawl back into my igloo and play
mahjong instead of checkers with my ferts.

Hugs and Dooks,
Cindy and the gang at
Hiland Ferrets

[Posted in FML 7430]