Dear Bridge Greeter,

I know you have met many of my ferrets at the bridge but we have
suffered a great loss and need you this time to meet a human. He and
his wife did dog rescue, and one horse. He was a cop also and helped us
once find a ferret that had gotten loose. His name is Bruce Troutman.
Can you please make sure that he is reunited with all the dog he saved
and gave love to? Our mother's heart is broken because she didn't get
to tell him how much she was gratefull to him for understanding about
her love for animals. And Bridge Greeter, you can't miss him, he was a
very big man, not fat, but musley, He has the sweetest smile and loves
people and animals. His wife is also hurting because he left us all so
sudden. Can you tell him we miss him and we thank him. I know I am
asking a lot but I know that ferrets and god can do anything. So please
help us we go to the funeral today and we need to know he is happy and
reunited with his love ones and animals.

Thank you,
Ann's Fuzzy Rescued Ferrets

Ann's Ferret Shelter & Adoption Inc.
501(c)3 non-profit organization
308 Washington Street
Manchester, Ohio 45144
Ann Church, Director
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[Posted in FML 7423]