Sarah Senior Reporter
Maybe Daisy can help
May 2012

Sarah here: Oh boy it is almost melt down time for mum, clinic day is
just around the corner here is the time and information posted on our
web site.
keep in mind if you want a chance to win our super duper campaign
prize, bring some laundry soap with you when you come.
Thanks to Miss Mindy our web site has lots of great information on it;
she makes that site look awesome!

Miss Tori and Miss Shaylyn came to help treat all us fur kids with
Revolution, cut nails and weigh/record weights. Big job but with 6
hands it is much easier and faster then mum trying to do it on her own.

The Keenen kids went home that same day, they were at camp for 10 days. Izzy, Chloe and Brownie were at camp too but they
went home the day before. Mum loves it when shelter kids that found a
new home come back to hang out for a bit.

Miss Donna came 2 days in a row to finish our property, and our play
yard, it looks awesome! She is the bestest grounds keeper ever!

Mum got a weekend away with Miss Kathy C. in Canada, Miss Mindy stayed
at the shelter to watch us, (don't tell mum but she spoils us as much
as Miss Donna does when she watches the shelter) Miss Donna came in to
do yard work, Miss Marcia came to help Miss Mindy, she played with us
fur kids.

Miss Mindy came in early so mum could be on the road at 6 am Saturday
after getting us moved and meds done. Mum parked her van in over night
parking in Rochester; Miss Kathy met mum in front of the air port then
they headed north to Niagara on the Lake.

Mum was back by Sunday afternoon. Mum called it a mini vacation! She
had a good time and Miss Kathy showed her all around NOTL, she took
mum to the Shaw festival for the play Rag Time. Wow mum sure enjoyed
that! If any of you get the chance you need to go see that!

Daisy Here: The new Brooklyn kids did well their first night in their
cage, they even used only the litter box so mum says they are adjusting
well. Mum thought Petrie was trying to be the loner in the group
however she found him and Minnie in the sleep box together in the
morning. Bron was up in the big bed mum has on the upper shelf.

When mum checked on them again after putting them to bed they were
playing musical beds, Minnie with Bron on the shelf, Minnie in the
hammock alone, Bron and Petrie in the sleep box, then Minnie, Bron and
Petrie in the big bed. So mum says at this point she is not sure who is
or is not bonded, hard to know when the business of 14 all got split up
and sent in different directions.

Mum gave the Brooklyn kids the kitchen and her space first the next
day; they were up the stairs like they had been doing all their lives,
and so they are getting stronger and more agile very quickly. Doing
ferrety things like dooking and dancing, just plain being happy fur

Wait till you hear this! Miss Mary B our auctioneer that comes to do
all our auctions for the shelter? Well she told mum she hope we have
good stuff for auction this year, that was the wrong thing to tell our
mum because mum told us she was going to show Miss Mary B how much she
could get her for auction!

Miss Kathy C was moving so the things she did not want to take with
her to her new place she packed up in the car and brought to mum. Holy
Moley talk about good stuff! Word got out that we needed things for
auction so all kinds of stuff is showing up from everyone. Human
things, pet things, out door tool things, indoor hanging on the wall
things and shelter things that we can not use so mum let us put that
in the auction pile too!

Sarah here: Hey you! Yeah you, the white weasel with the black beady
eyes! What are you doing in my news? I believe the top of the news
letter states Sarah senior reporter, MAYBE Daisy can help! I do not
remember asking for help this month! I do not remember mum asking you
to help so what is up with you in my news?


Mum here: Ladies, Ladies, Ladies there is more than enough news to go
around, I have no doubt that Daisy can tell some news without stepping
on your pretty little toes Sarah. Remember we do not bully each other!
So let's get back on track, tell the news and be nice to each other!

Sarah here: Mum got another call from her 2 legged furless grand kids
asking her to come to another concert they were in at school. So she
stayed up past her bed time to go. She loves that her furless kids are
so close that she can spend time with them.

So it is spring in New York; mum needs to get up to get us ready for a
new day, then mum needs to get ready for work. Mum's alarm went off at
3:30 am she hit snooze two times! Mum got up at 4 am to get the coffee
started, we fur kids moved into cages and fur kids moved out, all was
going great until about 4:30 am when the power went out!

Mum was in the shelter with absolutely no light, and it was still pitch
dark outside. Mum fumbled around feeling for one of the flash lights
Mr Dick got us! Thank you Mr Dick we have one in each one of our play
rooms, thankfully mum was able to feel around where she keeps the light
when we are in the dark. It gave mum enough light to get up stairs to
bring the mini generator down to set it up. Mum plugged in a light, HA!
Mum was back in business! Mum now needs to figure out how to thaw and
warm soup for our morning meds. Mum drew some very hot water into a
small pot, warmed up a ceramic food bowl with the running hot water,
then put 2 frozen soup cubes into the bowl set the bowl into the pot of
hot water; we have melted soup for meds. By this time the lamp starts
to flicker and that goes out, looks like our mini generator is not
working either, mum had to finish up meds by flashlight. Once mum got
the meds done she headed back up stairs there was not much she could do
in the dark. By this time mum had gotten the call there was no school
so she crawled back under the covers to stay warm. Miss Mindy called to
check on us at 7:30 so the system we have set up worked no word from
mum someone needs to check to find out why. Miss Mindy had electricity
so she knew there was no school for Naples.

Miss Mindy thanks for checking on us and letting everyone know what was
going on. We like this system, at least we fur kids will have someone
to rescue us if there is no response from mum when you call.

Daisy Here: My turn! Miss Mindy took the Brooklyn kids back to the vet
to get their rabies shots; their initial check up and distemper were
done 2 weeks prior, the vet was pleased they looked good, put on
weight, their coats improved in just 2 weeks. Mum and Shaylyn took Miku
and Kiwi to the assisted living home in Geneva for an out reach day.
The old folks there just loved Shaylyn and the ferrets. This month we
are taking some fur kids to Miss Shaylyn's class so she can do a
presentation on ferrets. Mum is going to supply us Miss Shaylyn will
supply the information. Now, for the monthly financial report.

Donated Stuff
April $376.13
General Donations
April $360.00

Well we sure did a lot of news this month - gotta run

So for this month I will say farewell my cyber friends

Sarah missing Possum
Daisy coming to the rescue
Newest Shelter Video
Shelter Video
Fur kids with new homes 
The Giving Effect 

[Posted in FML 7418]