The journeys of ferrets and people coinside together, for they are
part of what make our days barable and give us strength. Without
them, I would have been lost so many times.

The 600-mile ride to Mom's was eventful in that it is difficult to
find a clean bathroom with a lock on the door while traveling,the gas
station attendant may turn out to be a preacher in need of an audience,
big 18-wheelers love to bump each other on mountain highways, and such
other incidents. We dropped off three ferrets for adoption along our
route, which is a fine success (Macy, Rio, and Pepe'). Rhys and Mandie
traveled well, sleeping most of the way. The others of the ferret hoard
are in foster homes until I return. Mom's cats have not been a problem
to the visiting ferrets.

During this first week with Mom, I've watched and seen how ill she is.
She finaly shaved what hair she had left. Food is often an enemy. The
coughing is terrible. This time I have with her is to be charished. We
will know later this month how much the radiation and chemo actually
did to damage the cancer.

The raffle has been averaging one purchase each week. We had hoped for
much more, since we have little of our own money to put into the ferret
account at this time. Traveling is expensive, so we can't give extra to
the ferrets as we are used to do. If you find yourself with any extra
funds this April, please consider the offerings on our raffle page.
Just go to and click on one of the raffle

Our rescue thanks Kim for her donation of figuines for our next
fundraiser. We also thank those who have adopted, fostered, and helped
shuttle ferrets around during this confusing period. And Anna, you get
a halo for driving me from Lake Erie to the NC border with GA, just so
I could spend a few weeks with Mom. I'll be back to help with the chaos

With respect,

Lori of Ferrets at Heart

[Posted in FML 7390]