I am very sorry to say I won't have any DerbyEggs available for Easter;
people have been ordering and I have had to issue refunds. I am still
not doing well but hoping things will let up for me soon. I promise I
will make a post to the FML when I do have eggs available. 

One good thing I have learned; people still want my DerbyEggs, maybe
now more than ever as I have been getting a lot of emails from people
wanting DerbyEggs and also wanting to know when I will have them. 

I'm sorry, I feel that I have let a lot of ferrets down that love my
DerbyEggs. A lot of days it is all I can do to drag myself out of bed
and do the bare minimum here at home. Thank God for my hubby; he does
most of the cooking, the shopping for us, and he goes and picks up my
prescriptions; I really don't know what I would do without him. 

I am really hoping spring and summer goes well for me and I can have
a large stockpile for Christmas 2012.


The Crocheted Ferret
Home of the famous DerbyEggs. Over 999 dozen of my eggs have
sold, making for a lot of happy ferrets and that many happy
ferrets can't be wrong.

[Posted in FML 7386]