A pretty little albino girl went to the bridge on Easter morning.
Her adrenal and insulinoma had become a heavy burden on her little
body. Her hind legs didn't work, and she turned her nose up at both
ferretvite and ferretone.

Her life was a busy one. She had a collection of jingle eggs that we
added to each year. She kept them behind the drapes in the living room,
and whenever they got moved so we could clean back there, they got left
out so she could carry them back one by one and fix them just so. At
last count she had twenty.

She loved a lick of peanut butter and a tiny sliver of strawberry for a
treat and as she got old she liked to sleep on my chest with her head
in my shirt. Once she dozed off with her nose shoved under my bra

She will be missed her by me and her papa, and her brothers Atrus and


[Posted in FML 7394]