I collected all my info into a table -- sources, descriptions, prices,
etc., and marked what I'd buy if I could. In the end, I decided to be
conservative, and opted for a New Rainbow Bridge 20-footer. I hear
they are great.

[Moderator's note: Nell sent an attachment to me. I've placed it on
the FML server as a PDF. BIG]

Date:    Sun, 8 Apr 2012 08:31:16 -0400
From:    Aarrow-Ranch <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Jeep 1, Gordon 1, but GORDON WINS!

Ok, I put the last block on the backing of my computer desk after a
terrible struggle where I do not bend and contort like I used to. This
took the whole morning to screw on a 2 inch wide 1 inch thick 5 foot
long piece of wood along the edge of the back that would effectively
block any way jeep could get behind the desk. Jeep would 'pry' the
quarter inch ply wood back enough so he could fit between that and
the heat register and gain entrance to the back of the computer desk.
But this piece of wood on the back reduces that opening to less than
a quarter inch and stiffens the back do it can't be pried.

So I let Jeep have a test run on it. I put him down on the floor and
immediately he war danced his way in a black streak of lightening speed
to those areas I had blocked to see if any had by some miracle had
changed, nope. Foiled again. So he went to the next best place that
plywood backing area. All I heard was a bunch of huffing and puffing
between those WTF's and SOB's where Jeep was doing his level best to
get behind that desk.

After all that blue air evaporated a defeated Jeep came out, head down
in defeat. He just looked up at me with "Ok, you win !". Done !

So I thought the house was ferret proofed and found out Jeep was
smarter than I was. The toilet brush is still missing. I have
absolutely no idea where that went to, but Jeep does! He has found
another place that eludes me and when I find that the brush will
appear. So maybe this battle is a draw between Jeep and me. No winner
yet, just a stale mate!

I can only laugh at all of this. Just a ferret being a ferret in true

Aarrow-Ranch Aviation
J. Gordon Bengtson CEO

[Posted in FML 7390]