My Dearest Holly-bear;

This is your Auntie Rosie...I know you won't be reading this post and
even though I've only known you for a short time through e-mails and
seeing your posts on the FML...I don't know how you did it but you
managed to squirm your way into my heart, maybe because I haven't had
ferrets in almost three years..our last precious baby Star passed away
May 2009. It's been real quiet and lonely around our house and even
though I live far away from you and never saw you, held you in my arms
or even given you any hugs and managed to touch my heart
and make me fall in love with you. I read your posts on the FML prior
to January 21, 2012, which is when I first sent an e-mail to your mom
to let her know that I was reading your posts on the FML and how sorry
I was and also, knew what she was going through. You have taken a piece
of my heart with you and know that you will always have a special place
in my heart along with all of my babies who have left me. I love you
and miss you terribly and you'll never know how much it meant to me
when I sent you an e-mail hours before you were helped to cross over to
Rainbow Bridge...I don't know how you did it with your tired body and
I'm sure in some pain as well, managed to reply to my e-mail.just know
that I couldn't believe my eyes when I checked my e-mails and there was
your reply. I had lots of those wet tings and now, I shall always have
that e-mail forever and treasure it for the rest of my life. I have so
many of those as you called them "wet tings" just rolling down my face
right now. You were such a little warrior who fought a long and hard
battle with this horrible monster that took over your body. I know you
are now free of pain and suffering.. that horrible monster that took
you from us is now gone from your body; you are that beautiful little
girl you once were. I'm sure by now you have arrived at that special
place called Rainbow Bridge with all your brothers and sisters who have
gone before you. Now, you shall have your wings so you can soar through
the skies. Those wet tings make my eyes blurry, so for now my precious
little niece I say Good-bye and just know that some day we shall meet
at Rainbow Bridge. May you be at peace now my dearest little Holly.

Love from your Auntie Rosie <3

[Posted in FML 7353]