We got a call this afternoon from a desperate young man in California.
He began with "I have a ferret and I'm in a bad situation. I know
you`re not in California, but I was hoping you could help us. We just
moved here, and I didn't know it was illegal to have a ferret in
California. We have 72 hours to get him out of California, or they will
take him from us & kill him. It would be a shame for him to die, just
because I didn`t know...Do you have any suggestions--or can you help
me somehow???"

I have permission to post his phone number (916) 308-7873, and his
email addy [log in to unmask] (I sent a test email to this addy,
and have not heard back--I hope we took it down correctly.) He is near
Sacramento. The ferret`s name is Buster.

Can someone please help?

Many thanks! Love, Zoo

ps-If someone DOES contact Michael & help Buster, please let us know. I
will worry...

[Posted in FML 7381]