Greetings to all you lovers of the floor poopers.

The article in todays FML: It saddens me... made me think of several
things... First..I rarely have time for face book, but have been asked
by a number of groups to donate. I can no longer do that, so I cannot
bear to read any farther into whatever the situation is. But I do not
begrudge the struggling shelters for trying to make money to feed
animals in their care and to pay for their enormous vet bills.

Secondly, I have learned over the years here that there are many people
not doing well financially. Yet, they have hearts so big and touched by
the plight of those even less fortunate that they will give that dollar
of five dollars to try and help as best as they can. Sometimes, they
give far, far more.

Thirdly, I feel that the cat and dog supporters may have a broader base
of people with the chance for far bigger donations to be made over all
than the ferret shelters. Most people I have encountered consider
ferrets to be a pet someone once had that was given away. There are
seldom any tender moments of recollection of the ferret in their
discourse. But when someone has lost a dog, a verbal tribute frequently
ensues that goes on for some time, with choked voice and teary eye.

Please try not to laugh at those few who truly mean well. There may be
a scammer of ten out there. When is there not? And I could tell tales
of the cruelty or mean streak or dishonesty of far more than one
person or persons running an animal shelter. It is easy to be hurt and
entirely give up on trying to help in any way. Some of these people
will just break your heart.. and laugh.

But we might owe it to the helpless little stinky ferret that all too
often needs more money spent on it than the dog or cat in paying off
those vet bills. We owe it to them to try and remain more tender
hearted, I believe. It is much much easier to be biter and have a
biting tongue.

I was volunteering at a shelter once when boxes of plastic bags arrived
for the animals there to be gently tossed around. Instead of being even
mildly grateful, several of the major board members scoffed and made
fun of the people who saved their bags and paid for shipping the bags,
along with their letter of thanks to the shelter for what they were
doing. I was stung by their mean spirits.

Maybe we should all just try our best to remain tender hearted. Making
fun of others is cruel and lazy.


[Posted in FML 7380]