They were done at Cornell. (See the FHL Archives for how to do that.)

In the past we have had two ferrets who had such high titers that they
were possibly at risk of an anaphylactic reaction if they had been
vaccinated. We've also had one whose titers levels always fell below
32 after only a year. We vaccinate if the number is below 64.

Pivot who is 4 years old was 512, last CD vaccine June, 2008
Orville who is going on 3 was 384, last CD vaccine September, 2010
Ariane who is only a year old was 256, last vaccine September 2011

We swear by doing titers to keep ferrets safe. I've seen CDV in a dog
and in a raccoon and have seen rabies in a small brown bat. All are
among the types of animals I have worked with in the past, so seeing
individuals in those species suddenly going insane was horribly
heartbreaking for me. Vaccines are great for saving lives, but when
it is possible and legal we prefer going with titers to see if they
are needed on a given year.

Given our ages and that we make sure to only have enough ferrets in
the family for us to be able to afford extensive veterinary care for
each and to afford the time needed, we now only have three ferrets and
that is good number for us at this point in time. Over the past three
decades we have certainly had more ferrets most years and even used to
purposely take in ones with serious deformations who needed extreme
amounts of time. Others will have to do that now.

Also, many thanks to Jassmine who helped ferret health with her
comment in

I've had a request for the links to get the titers done.  See:

The specimens were sent directly, not through another lab.

Sukie (not a vet)

Recommended ferret health links:
all ferret topics:

"All hail the procrastinators for they shall rule the world tomorrow."
(2010, Steve Crandall)
On change for its own sake: "You can go really fast if you just jump
off the cliff." (2010, Steve Crandall)

[Posted in FML 7379]