To Lonny,

I never said you recommended people to go eat pet food; you and I
probably see more eye to eye on things than you would care to admit,
especially regarding governing agencies. If you'll read my prior post
you'll see that I simply expounded upon the differences of some of the
regulatory agencies whose initials are so often bandied about on kibble
packaging in an attempt to offer peace of mind that the mystery within
the bag is perfectly fine to feed! Such as "manufactured in a USDA
approved facility", "Approved by the AAFCO", as established by the
"National Research Council" etc. etc. ad nauseum to infinitude! People
that aren't inquisitive or are too lazy to do the research themselves
or simply don't care will find solace in those credentials plastered
upon the bags. After all - such an important agency with all those
letters wouldn't steer us wrong would they?

Look how quickly YOU believed that pet food manufacturers had to follow
the same guidelines as human food manufacturers after reading ONE
magazine article! Could it be that maybe a few other folks were swayed
to think the same thing too? Powerful thing that ink is upon the page,
isn't it?

My Gramma used to say:" Believe only half of what you read, none of
what you hear and only part of what you see." She said this to get me
to learn for myself, experience things for myself - not just take it
for granted that if I read it in a newspaper or a book that it was
absolute truth, or that just because someone said so, didn't make it
so. She also use to say, "Consider the source." - she was a wise woman.
If more people were willing to experience for themselves, and do more
research on their own they wouldn't put the lives of their beloved
companions in the hands of very successful ad campaigns.


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yahoo groups Natural Ferrets

[Posted in FML 7376]