I am down to two ferrets, both adopted as a bonded pair from the local
animal shelter. Supposedly, they were given up by a family whose
children were overwhelmed with school activities and no longer able to
spend any time with them. I have had them now two and a half years, and
they were probably 2-3ish when adopted by me. They are both Marshall's
(boo) but so far, healthy enough minus one adrenal surgery a year ago,
(so far successful). Both are close to being if not, the sweetest
ferrets I have had (17). Both are very comfortable and return to
their cage when they have been out and are tired. Both are extremely
affectionate, but the roansablemitt is effuse in his kissing, rubbing,
and asking to be cuddled. He is much more active than the other, who
is also happy to just sleep on your lap, but the kissy one will cover
you if allowed, including if you are asleep! When put off, he will
often flat rat it, next to me for long periods of time. In this world
of woe and sadness, it is so special to have this unconditional and
demonstrated pleasure in my company. Also why we grieve so deeply when
their time is so short with us. Anybody else have a kissy fert?

Nancy Mitchell, Franktown, CO

[Posted in FML 7375]