Sorry this is so long after Nell's original post, but just a quick note
to say I am also now experiencing problems with fleas on my ferrets her
in Western Australia.

For the past four months I have not only had to give the monthly
Revolution dose to each ferret but have also had to treat them with
Frontline spray mid way during the month as fleas have come back in

I don't think all our members are having problems, only those who's
ferrets, like mine have access to both the house & garden and play a
lot outside in the sand/dirt in the backyard.

I have spoken to my Vet about this and he said the flea problem has
been huge this year, possibly the main reason the amount of rain we
have been having which is making it difficult to break the flea cycle.

I am now using my ferrets as guinea-pigs in a scientific experiment
giving them a minute dose of a dog flea tablet & hoping this will be
the answer to my problem; so far all is well and no apparent side
effects but will let everyone know how it goes after a few months.

Hugs to all


[Posted in FML 7369]