I had a name in mind long before I 'met' jeep and had decided that was
a good name. Usually I get to know the fert a bit before I choose a
name and like in Pest R I may modify that name as time grows. But Jeep
is a very fitting name for this little guy. As with all young ferts he
is clumsy and does not think of where his ass is so he falls down
allot. One such fall is in the cage where the 5th floor is split level.
There is about 3 inches between the two parts of the floor and about an
inch or more height difference. Jeep was exploring when he first was in
there and stepped across that opening, of course his butt fell thru the
hole. But even the 4 wheel drive could not save him, he fell to the
next level down. That was all carpet and not far so he was not hurt a
tall but was a good lesson for him that he forgot the instant he
learned it. Ha! Typical kid!

It looks like this animal will fit in real good here. He greets me in
the morning and waits at the 'door' for me to reach in for him. He
instantly wants back in but that will fade in time when he gets
accustomed to me and know he will not be dropped. Slowly he is getting
the idea. He is so phargonne small ! Ha! I bet he doesn't weigh more
than two slices of bread. But he will fill in and get big as males do.
He eats well so that is a great sign.

So for now everything is falling into place just fine. He really loves
Byte-me's hidey box and he spends allot of time in there. That is a box
about 10 inches cube with a hole made by a door knob drill for access,
the top is hinged for cleaning and maintenance. All four sides and the
tip and bottom is good carpet. I have an old pillow case in there for
more comfort and many times a fert will roll up in that to sleep, Jeep
has figured that out already.

So he is active and full of spice and vinegar. Just a typical ferret of
that age. The two of us will do just fine.

_12-2Addy CEO

[Posted in FML 7351]