Re: emails for my loss of Klondike: I can't even express how much I
appreciate the condolence messages that I received from many of you.
I will write personally to each of you, but it will take awhile. I am
having a particularly hard time with this loss maybe because it was so
horrible just before the end and I was particularly close to Klondike.
Your thoughtfulness and kindness means a lot to me, and it helps to
know that others care and really understand what I'm going through.
While I have received sympathy messages from people who have other
kinds of pets, only you guys know what it's like to lose a beloved
ferret. They are such a special species who bring so much joy, and the
people who love them are special too. My biggest obstacle to getting
more ferrets is the vet problem. Because I am in an FFZ, vets lack
experience and are very expensive because the cost of rent and
everything else in this city is sky high. The vet charges wouldn't
be so bad if the treatment were good and I could find a vet I truly
trusted or who would listen to what I suggest.

Re: meds I offered: To the many people who wanted my meds for their
shelters, I am so sorry that I can't give them to all of you. One of my
biggest fantasies concerning money is winning the lottery and giving a
lot of money to all of you who are kind enough to take in old and ill
ferrets that no one wants. That (and getting my own expensive meds)
would be my first priority should such a thing happen. Please know that
even though I can't always donate, I always think of and admire you and
the work you are doing.

Best wishes to the best group of people I've ever known. And dooks to
all the wonderful furkids.

In memory of Rocky, Minky & Klondike

[Posted in FML 7368]