Pardon me for asking, I don't mean to be rude in any way, but shouldn't
the AFA be telling the people who are doing this kill-to-order ferret
operation that they are inproperly using the chart, not the people who
read the FML? And, is there something that we can do to register a
complaint about this atrocity, or is this perfectly legal? One can
understand stuffing their beloved pet after they have passed, but to
kill a perfectly healthy ferret in the prime of it's life so that it
may grace someone's dining room table ? Insanity! One girl mentioned
that she wanted to get one for her friend that has an affinity for
ferrets and had lost hers recently. What a wonderful gift - an animal
killed totally unneccessarily to memorialize the one she lost. How

Thanks for the response,
Jenn Kovacsi

[Moderator's note: The website did remove the chart. BIG]

[Posted in FML 7367]