Hi Nell,

It's just been a super rotten flea season. I've never had to deal with
fleas and this past fall my dog brought them in. My ferrets had them
too and it took us a while to break the cycle. We had to throw out the
beloved carpet covered ferret condo. We use revolution on the ferrets
and dog, Advantage on the couch vultures (cats). I've had to vacuum
like a mad woman (put a flea collar in the vacuum bag) and sprayed the
couches weekly (a bit neurotic I was). But we are flea free.

About 16 years ago when I rescued my horse she came off the trailer
with fleas, so it is very possible. Thankfully a good soak in a flea
shampoo really did help and was the last we saw of that situation. Have
your friend look for a fly/mosquito spray that also kills/prevents
fleas, I'm pretty sure there are some brands out there.


[Posted in FML 7364]