My Dear FML friends,

By now (I think) you have read that I now have a new kid in the house!
His shelter name is Slinky but I'm not sure I want to stick with that.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a name besides Renassaince, which
I would shorten to Reni? (It means new beginings, re-birth) I'd like
to find another name for newness, or new begginings, new start, or
something along those lines as that was little Slinky has done. He has
brought happiness into this ferret room where lately there has been so
much sadnes. He has given this room a new beginning, and has soothed my
broken heart a bit. Best of all, HE"S A LAP FERRET, he will let me hold
him and love on him as much as I want! I really need that right now.
Buddy's probably thinking "Good, now she can slobber all over somebody
else besides me! YUK!" No he loves it too!!

Thanks in advance for any ideas.

Sue (Pyron)

[Posted in FML 7355]