Dear Mummy,

It's me Whitham. Farrance and Timmy are with me too. Today we walked
over to Pie O' Pah's cottage and asked if we could write to you instead
of having him work on a greeting. I know that he is good at his job,
but we felt it would be the very best thing to write to you ourselves.

I never thought I would ever be able to do this.. write that is, but
when you get here, there are all manner of things we can do that we
could not do when we lived with you. For one we can TALK. I like that
the best, because any hoomins we meet understand us and hear words
instead of dooking.

Farrance and Timmy, and I agree this is the beyond grand, because when
you get here we can not only show you how much we love you, but we can
TELL you it too. I will be able to tell you all of my most favourite
things about my life with you and why I was such a cheeky monkey, and
Farrance and Timmy will be able to do that as well.

We have been working on building a home. Not a ferret home, but a real
home, hoomin sized. It was suppose to be a surprise for when you get
here, but when we got around to asking Pie about writing you we found
out it was two months that had passed since we had been here and that's
another reason why we wanted to write.

Pie, 421 and Saraferret have been extremely busy catching up on all the
many greetings that have been coming in, and when we arrived Pie was
setting down to begin work on our greeting, so we asked if we could do
it instead of him and he was very kind enough to allow us to do that,
first we wanna apologize for taking so long to let you know that I got
her safely. Second, we are building a house .... a h o m e.

The house we are building is not ferret proof, BUT it is ferret safe.
It also has all of the lovely things you have always dreamed of having,
but since I ruined the surprise by telling you what we are doing, I
will not spoil it any further by telling you about all of the personal
touches we have put there just for you, because we love you.

It's Farrance's turn now.

HI MUM, I LOVE YOU! Can you tell I enjoy using the caps lock? It is
suppose to be as if you are yelling, or so I have been told, but I
don't care. I want to YELL that I LOVE YOU, because I can!!!!!!! I
LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU! I know Whitham has told you about
our home, so I will tell you about the garden. We planted these very
special roses, they are called Bridge Specials. They change colour when
you ask them too, or you can ask them to be rainbow coloured and I
think they are the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen. Right now
they are the colours of a sunset, and match my mood. Sunsets make me
feel dreamy, like I could just crawl into my hammock and drift off to
sleep and dream of you, and that's just what I am going to do after we
finish this letter to you.

My TURN, Hi Mummy, it's Timmy. You know about the house and the garden,
so I guess I get to tell you the only thing that has been in my heart
since I left.. I love you and I miss you. We all do! Each day we work
on making the house a home, and we are filling it with love and all of
our best memories with the knowledge that one day you will come home to
us, and we will be together foreve. None of us will ever get sick, or
hurt, or have any reason to see a doctor. We will always be healthy,
and happy and dooking and war dancing and stealing banana's, hula hoops
and, last but not least, your heart.

WE LOVE YOU MUMMY so very much!!!!!!!!

Whitham, Farrance and Timmy

[Posted in FML 7324]