One of my guys, Eljah, started to show signs of adrenal disease and his
stomach was becoming very bloated and hard. During the vet visit, blood
work showed his glucose was also low. Also, we tested his urine and he
had a nasty infection probably due to the adrenal disease causing a
swollen prostate. His big belly is caused by a very big spleen. I
adopted Elijah a year ago this past August. I was told he was one year
when I took him, which would put him at 2 or 3 years old now. But, due
to the enlarged spleen that is usually the result of older age, my vet
determined he is probably more like 4-5 years old. So we left the vet
with an antibiotic for the infection and I started him on a low dose
of prednisone to bring him glucose up. I am planning on putting him in
surgery to remove the adrenal and insulinoma possibly, and I guess
while we are in there we can remove his gigantic spleen too. He still
seems to be a happy ferret. He will still follow me from room to room
around the house and enjoys the company of the my other ferrets, so I
feel he is a strong enough for surgery. Also, if the adrenal disease is
not removed his urinary tracy problems may keep occurring. Of course,
I want the urinary infection gone and his glucose levels to be stable
before putting him into surgery first.

On our follow up visit a few weeks later, things got better, but still
not where they need to be. His infection was still present, although
getting better. I guess the infections with adrenal involved are hard
to clear up. His glucose level had also improved, but was still
considered low. So we went home with a stronger antibiotic and decided
to up the dose of pred. After his pred level was increase, Elijah
started to have pretty bad diarrhea. It is the bird seed looking stuff.
When I put him back on a lower does, the diarrhea stopped. This scares
me that I won't be able to get his glucose level up and I wouldn't feel
comfortable putting him in surgery if his level is low. Also, if I
don't remove the adrenal his urinary track problems may get worse.
Why would the pred be causing the diarrhea? Could it be ulcers? Is
surgery still an option for him? If anyone could offer some advice or
suggestions, it would be very much appreciated. Thank you!!!!!


[Posted in FML 7348]