Even in NJ there are already tree blossoms producing pollen and I have
read that GA is in full Spring now with little enough Winter that the
arborists and horticulturalists are holding their breaths to see if the
fruit and nut trees can produce many fertile blossoms this year (per a
recent news report). (Springfield, NJ hospital tracking lists: Trees:
1. Maple, Box elder, 2. Elm, 3. Juniper family, Cedar so as north as
northern NJ there is already tree pollen.)

Last year we lost Emmy in the Spring due to allergies.

Last year was the worst oak year and she was so allergic to it that she
went into autoimmune hemolytic anemia. We actually treated for two
causes of life-threatening anemia because it progressed so fast that we
did not know that it was not related to any adrenal problem till after
her death, and the compounding pharmacy had to order at least one very
rare med for her treatment for us and did so. (I can not remember if
two meds were rare or one for her.)


can be useful for those whose ferrets have allergies (as well as for
people). It is how we learned what it was that Hilbert (0ne of the
three ferrets we have had through the years with severe pollen
allergies.) was allergic to which allowed us to keep the place closed
tight with the hepa filters running during the right blossom seasons.

Sukie (not a vet)

Recommended ferret health links:
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"All hail the procrastinators for they shall rule the world tomorrow."
(2010, Steve Crandall)

[Posted in FML 7344]