The 4 kids my daughter brought home from college are doing great.......
although it took a while. For the first time since having ferrets I now
feed cat food....please no nasty emails! I tried and tried to slowly
wean sweet Sprite off cat food but I honestly believe she would have
died after the last of the little bit that was sent home with her was
gone. I had emailed the previous owner MANY times asking which brand
Sprite had been fed with no response. Sprite stopped eating completely
and late one night after holding her too quiet little body for over an
hour I raced to the grocery store and bought small bags of EVERYTHING.
I poured a little of each in many small bowls and slowly took her past
them. When she got to the Purina she nearly jumped out of my arms. The
other ferrets in the group had been more than willing to switch but not
tiny Sprite. This sweet tiny ermine-looking ferret was NOT going to eat
any ferret food EVER so she now gets her Purina....she won and that's
okay. She' active and has gorgeous fur. Also she's older and set in her
ways....just like me.

Oh well.... The other 2 in her group, Snow and Sparkle, LOVE their new
home much better than the old rabbit hutch outside in the heat and cold
where they lived before.

Sweet GIANT Boomer aka Panda Bear aka BIG Bear aka Love Bug who spent
years in a small cage is getting stronger and doesn't go SPLAT with all
4 legs sticking out every time he tries to walk. One day, for the very
first time ever, he jumped straight up into the air when he saw all
the other ferrrets playing near him. He landed on all fours with no
"splat".He surprised himself....and made me cry. Sweet old man.

The new 4 and another group of 6 play together every day so it's 10
crazy ferrets loose together. When it's time to go in their cages
some of them are already sleeping in the wrong cage!

Nancy and her 15 in Oregon, who made the poor people with cats, who
come to the local food bank mighty happy with lots of bags of cat

[Posted in FML 7343]