
No matter which way things go after this surgery you should look at
Elli's life thus far with you in a much different light. Don't see it
as pain filled and stressed; she's likely been feeling that for much
longer than the short time with you. She knows all too well the
hollowness of being unloved, unwanted, no longer a priority or

So far since getting removed from the old place, you have shown Ellie a
world beyond the bars of her cage! She has finally known the security
of warm cuddling arms and felt soothing strokes. She's felt the caring
heart of someone willing to spend time to prepare and slowly drip
nourishing food into her throat. Ellie has discovered that the human
talking to her can actually SEE her as a worthy being - not a nuisance!
Whether other ferrets befriend her or not, Ellie knows now that she
does have a new friend - YOU!

Ellie suffered what so many ferrets do - being cast away, forgotten,
uncared for, the drink (in this case) became her former owners love.
Ellie was an incidental, long forgotten, unimportant possession. Now,
even if her time with you is too short - she at least has known that
someone does truly, really care about her just because she's Ellie!

Prayers for you and Ellie, please hug her for me.


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for ferret help and info:
yahoo groups Natural Ferrets

[Posted in FML 7341]