After consulting with Zoos Ferret Sanctuary a few weeks ago, I agreed
to take in a 4 year old female ferret named Ellie. The owner is having
problems with sobriety. And it must be the priority of her life.
Meetings every day at least once a day, a sponsor, giving up friends
that drink, and taking it a day (or a moment at a time) are essential.
Ellie had been stuck in a cage for years. And now there certainly was
not going to be any time for her.

The couple with Ellie drove 3 hours to drop this silver sweetie pie
off, and toured my obviously ferret fanatic home to make sure she would
be safe. I had already let them know that a sanctuary would be taking
her if necessary. Ellie is a lone ferret who has never been around
another floor pooper. My rescued females are high strung, aggressive,
and hate other female ferrets. They didn't care.

Ellie gritted her teeth, pooped black tarry poop, and weighed a little
under 2 pounds. She is lanky. And she felt way below the weight she
should be. With multiple dribbled syringe feedings, she has put on 4
ounces in 7 days. She is weak, with no muscle tone, and has no idea how
to play. But she knows her name, uses the litter box, and comes when I
call her name.!! She loves to cuddle. And her eyes are huge dark pools.
She looks like a baby seal.

I thought she was at least stable this week...Until yesterday...when
she made new movements with her jaw as though gagging or wretching. I
called to ask the sanctuary what to do. The vet here had her on tummy
meds. But he was sadly lacking in any knowledge of ferrets. In fact,
he pretended he knew things that were dead wrong.

Thankfully, Zoo said to drive over with Ellie. Ellie appeared so
distressed that we headed over to an excellent vet. By this time, Ellie
was projectile vomiting. Ellie lay on her side with glazed eyes, stiff
legs and paws, her tummy moving as though she was quickly panting. She
was in so much pain. But we had to wait until the busy office had
completed scheduled appointments.

The vet and her staff stayed late, did exploratory surgery, and sadly
found no blockage. The xray showed only gas. And despite the high
protein soups, her protein levels were very low.

The liver is mottled, the entire intesinal tract purple, evil smelling
diarhea came out of her while she was there. The guess is that she has
been poisoned for some time somehow. A piece of her liver was taken for

This was supposed to be Ellie finally getting out of the small stupid
cage they brought over...learning to be free and a ferret. Instead, it
has been painful and frightening for her. If it were not for Zoo, she
would be dead already. She may easily pass in the next few days.

I got a small glimpse into the life of a shelter mom and spent a tiny
portion of life with the really sweet little one...Ellie McBelly. I
pray she will make it. This has been her life with me thus far.


[Posted in FML 7340]