I HOPE everyone got their beds and can use them.........I have 7 more
boxes of 36 each. Has everyone got theirs they asked for. If you
haven't, please write me at [log in to unmask] with subject line
Ferret Beds so it will go into the proper folder.

THANK one and all for the contributions to help pay for the postage.
You all were great and reliable - only 1 or 2 weren't able to do so and
that was ok too, enough of you gave a little extra that helped finance
theirs and they certainly needed those beds.

So again, let me know if you didn't receive yours AND checking to see
if anyone else can use more - (I will make a list of all the
city/states they went to just for fun) I would LOVE to hold these to
donate to a rescue that gets involved with a seizure but I do need the
space - its all I can do to store our own supplies.

PLUS REMEMBER, do not use the dryer, wash and air dry only. Or could
do no heat just tumble dry (as if I know where that is on the dryer)

Millie and her Danes at the
Texas Ferret Lovers Rescue

[Posted in FML 7337]