Here a couple of ferrets-on-wheels examples from off of the You-tube.
Their maladies are given under the "screen" when you click on either
of the you-tube links. Years ago one of our Sanctuary ferret fell and
hurt her back who was a notorious "climber" so much so that she would
climb up a cantilevered brick wall (the only one who ever did this)
and she was temporarily paralysed from a fall, as i said, but within
a single day she was pulling herself around on her strong front legs
(hands) and within about five days began to push with her back feet
and before we knew it was back "up" and running, although ever
afterwards from that incident if I caught her starting to climb that
brick wall divider between our kitchen and living room any more i
would quick-take-her-down and try to interest her attentiion in
playing with anything else that was safer to play with or on.
(older ferret on wheeled device (looks like part of a toy truck! :)
younger ferret on a wheeled device

Our Sanctuary is completely closed, over a year, now (Happy New Year,
All! ) and this is the memorial-page of it and its deceaed president
and CEO

[Posted in FML 7291]